Sunday, April 5, 2015


Destiny Mine by +Nana Prah
Destiny series book 2
Published by +Decadent Publishing
Genre: contemporary, medical, multicultural romance
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Extraordinary midwife, Esi Darfour, is looking to get married.  She’s a master matchmaker but has no luck when it comes to her love life and has yet to find a man worthy of her. Until she has to deal with gorgeous Dr. Adam Quarshie outside of work.

Adam is a player who refuses to get married—ever. His interest lies more in getting her into bed than in having any kind of committed relationship. Esi’s matchmaker instincts warn her to run in the other direction as quickly as possible, but her heart insists she stay…get closer…and see if what they feel for each other can change his mind.


Enjoy the following excerpt for Destiny Mine:

Her gaze travelled down his muscular body. Unlike many of the other doctors who tended to gain a belly as they grew older and settled into the comforts of married life, Adam Quarshie could overshadow any man in his late twenties. His stomach had remained flat and his muscles strained against his yellow button-down shirt when he moved.

She took her time raking her gaze up his body and to his face. Her gasp of embarrassment stuck in her throat as her eyes met his.

Why did he have to have such an adorable grin? God could’ve at least rotted his teeth to save the hearts of women all over Ghana.

“See something you like, Esi?”

She cleared her throat. “Yes, I do. Your shoes are nice. Where can I get a pair for my brother?”

He chuckled. “My shoes. Hmm. I got them on Oxford Street in Osu.”


He moved towards her, and she refused to step back as he crowded her. He smelled amazing, like he was fresh from a shower. She struggled not to move closer or inhale deeper.

“Or I could take you.” His voice came out soft yet had a distinct rumble.

Did the man not know how to be anything but seductive?

If she checked her pulse, she knew it would be way above the normal range. She snorted as she stepped around him and went to the patient’s bedside. “I’m going home. You did a great job.” She tilted her head to view the child’s face cradled in the new mother’s arms then smiled at the newborn’s mother. “You were able to gather the strength to push the baby out. You are a strong woman, Ama.”

The woman ducked her head. “Thank you.”

Esi turned to Adam, not bothering to hide her annoyance. “Are there any other patients you want to see?”

“I’ll come back to do ward rounds later. How about going to Osu?”

“I’d rather…rather….” Fatigue had blocked her brain. Later on in the day, long after it was too late, she’d think of any number of things she could have said to put him in his place.

He raised an eyebrow. Their perfect arch sat over slanted dark brown eyes.
“You’d rather what?”

“Eat a live snail.”

He scrunched his face. “Disgusting. No Osu for you, then. Next time, I’ll ask to take you somewhere that won’t make you prefer eating something raw and slimy over hanging out with me.”

“No such place exists, Quarshie.” They walked, rather, she stalked while he strutted, down the hallway towards the nurse’s station.

“I’m sure there is somewhere, and one day I’m going to take you there.”

She didn’t bother to look at him. “In your dreams.”

He winked. “Always in my dreams.”

Her heart skipped a beat as Sade’s classic song “Smooth Operator” came to mind. She regarded him through narrowed eyes as he headed towards the door. His heartbreaking ways didn’t appeal to her at all. Everyone knew relationships weren’t his thing. She’d never even consider going out on a date with him. She knew too many casualties of his charm. The type of guy who would go to all sorts of lengths to get a woman on his radar. Once he caught and used her, he moved to the next one…or two. After having once dated a womanizer, she wouldn’t subject herself to that kind of man again.

No way. Not her. Never


Nana Prah is a multi-published author of contemporary, multicultural romance. Her books are sweet with a touch of spice. When she’s not writing she’s reading, indulging in chocolate, and enjoying life with friends and family.

Contact Details:
Twitter: @NanaPrah
Goodreads: Nana Prah

Google + :  Nana Prah   


Friday, November 14, 2014



Nothing tastes as good as naughty feels…

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Strangers passing through. Friends seeing each other with new eyes. The hesitant touch of new lovers. A first glance. A first word. A first touch. A first kiss. Take a journey through thirteen erotic shorts, poems and art to relive that first-time feeling. Naughty Bedtime Stories: First Taste will stir the butterflies, curl the toes and send hearts racing. After all, nothing tastes as good as naughty feels…                  

About the authors:

lexi photo  Lexi Ostrow- Lexi has been a writer ever since the second grade in some form or another. Getting her degree in creative writing and her master's in journalism she couldn't wait to get a chance to put her fantasies down on paper. Her debut novel, Torn Between Two Worlds is something that was simmering in her mind since middle school and she's so grateful to put it out into the literary world. From paranormal romance to thriller there isn't a genre she doesn't love to spend her time reading or writing.

9270372  Zoe Adams- Zoe Adams hails from a seaside town on the east coast of England. Books and writing are her passions, and this has led to her gaining a degree in Professional Writing. Zoe takes inspiration from different cultures and their rich mythology. When not reading or writing, Zoe indulges in a healthy obsession with anime, games and films, spending time with her family, and listening to a wide variety of influential music.    

Aurelia bio pic  Aurelia Fray- Aurelia Fray is the naughty Hyde side of a rather ordinary woman. Whenever her mistress lets her out to play, there are sure to be tales worth telling. She lives and works in London, England, enjoys all things artistic and spends most of her time buried in books or paint. With a degree in English literature and a love of all things wordy it is no real surprise she adores penning salacious stories. She suspects that her foray into romance and erotic literature will be a titillating adventure for author and readers alike.        

10157186_10202883193975364_2528076120085308681_n  Jennifer Raygoza-Jennifer Raygoza lives in Corona, California with her husband and children. She developed a love for writing poetry at the young age of twelve. She did not want to become a writer when she was young. She had dreams of becoming a Marriage Counselor and majored in Psychology when she was older. Although that dream did not work out she still councils relationship advice to friends and family. In 2013 she published her first book called The Guardians. Originally it was a story written for fun, and out of curiosity was self published.      

10735629_10152840370214801_1836728662_n  Trixie Taylor- Trixie Taylor is an author of romance and erotica stories. She spends most of her time with her mind in the gutter as she undresses her characters and places them in precarious situations. She resides near Seattle in a heavily wooded area that is rich with sasquatches and copious amounts of rain        

profil  Sabina Bundgaard- Sabina Bundgaard lives in Denmark with her husband and their two children. By day she races around the countryside, delivering mail and packages to people. By night…. Well, that’s a different story. While drinking one of her many flavors of tea, she delves into the mysterious realms of her imagination. Writing about everything from Elves and Dragons to Romance and Erotica, she tries her wings to see where they will take her.        

suit6 (2)  Ethan Radcliff- Ethan Radcliff has been writing since he was a kid. He loves creating and trying his hand at art. He wrote erotic stories in high school in notebook and let a few of his girlfriends read through them. He's grateful to the ladies that have gotten him into the world of erotic story publishing.        

Love of music  Inger Iversen- Inger Iversen lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching reruns of True Blood or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.        

508160_4015bdd8b945b848932be285a4c914ed.jpg_srz_254_288_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz  Jackie McMahon- Jackie McMahon is a writer of erotic fantasy fiction stories. She is a stay at home mom who lives in Queens, New York with her fiancée and three beautiful and crazy kids. When Jackie is off from mommy duty, she spends every free chance she can get reading books of her favorite erotic authors. After sometime, she embarked into writing which found a way to put her over active imagination to work. She may look young and innocent but is far from that when it comes to writing.      

6f0db595ElodieP  Elodie Parkes- Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal or suspense. Her books are always steamy, cool stories and hot love scenes. Elodie lives in Canterbury with her two dogs. She works in an antique shop by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home.

Purchase TODAY on Amazon!!!!!
18+ due to sexual content.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Congratulations to my friend, Kennedy Ryan, on her new release. Loving You Always is available for purchase now.

*Please note, LOVING YOU ALWAYS is book two in The Bennetts Series, book one is WHEN YOU ARE MINE

The man she can never have . . .

Kerris Moreton should be the happiest woman in the world: She has a successful business and is about to start the family she's always wanted. But the man of her dreams-the one whose green eyes see straight into her soul and whose gentle hands make her body hum with pleasure-is not hers.

Each secret moment with Walsh Bennett serves to remind Kerris of what she's missing. And every stolen hour makes it harder to see her future without him. But being with Walsh would betray a sacred promise and upend her perfect life. When tragedy strikes, the razor's edge between love and loyalty grows sharper than ever. And Kerris must decide where her heart will fall
Please join us for the the read along for LOVING YOU ALWAYS on October 13th! Click here! 

Moving like an old woman, she shuffled into her bedroom and lay on the bed. She didn’t bother removing the kimono, but just slipped under the covers and went to sleep.
“If you were ready for your someone special, what would she be like?”
Walsh looked away from Shelby’s probing stare and directly into Kerris’s eyes. He smiled that slow smile she’d never seen him give to anyone else, reaching out to tangle his long fingers with hers. He pulled Kerris to him, towering over her, sheltering her. She had missed this feeling. In these few moments, she forgot about Shelby. Forgot about the world outside of these arms. There was only now. There was only them, and things were right. She wasn’t sure how it had happened, but things were finally right.
Walsh whispered her name like an incantation.
Kerris. Kerris. Kerris.
“Walsh,” she muttered, still clawing her way out of the dream. She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and pulling the kimono close around her neck.
“What’d you just call me?” Cam stood in the semidark, the lamp illuminating the mounting rage on his face.
“Cam! Oh, gosh. No. No, it’s not…not—” she sputtered, still blinking heavy sleep from her eyes.
“In your sleep!” Cam chopped a stiff hand through the air and leaned down until their noses almost touched. “And you have the nerve to accuse me of cheating? When you lie down beside me every night and dream about him
His hot, alcohol-soaked breath fanned her face. She realized his words were not crisp, but slurred, slopping around in his mouth, crowded out by anger and outrage.
“Cam, you’ve been drinking.” With false calm, she reached up to touch his face, wiping at the dampness on his forehead. “It’s been a volatile night for us both. Let’s talk about this tomorrow when we’re both in our right minds.”
Cam pushed her hand away.
“Oh, I’m finally in my right mind. I came back to talk things through. Give it one more chance, at least for the baby’s sake, but I had it right the first time. I’m done.”
About Kennedy Ryan
Kennedy Ryan writes contemporary romance and women's fiction. She always give her characters their happily ever after, but loves to make them work for it! It's a long road to love, so sit back and enjoy the ride.  In an alternative universe and under her government issue name, Tina Dula, she is a wife to the love of her life, mom to a special, beautiful son, and a friend to those living with autism through her foundation Myles-A-Part, serving Georgia families.
Her writings on Autism have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, and she has been featured on the Montel Williams Show, NPR, Headline News and others. Ryan is donating a portion of her proceeds to her own foundation and to her charitable partner, Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)

Her interview series MOMMIES DO THE MOST AMAZING THINGS is featured each month in Brooke Burke's online magazine Modern Mom.