Destiny Mine by +Nana Prah
Destiny series book 2
Published by +Decadent Publishing
Genre: contemporary, medical, multicultural romance
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Extraordinary midwife, Esi Darfour, is
looking to get married. She’s a master
matchmaker but has no luck when it comes to her love life and has yet to find a
man worthy of her. Until she has to deal with gorgeous Dr. Adam Quarshie
outside of work.
Adam is a player who refuses to get married—ever.
His interest lies more in getting her into bed than in having any kind of
committed relationship. Esi’s matchmaker instincts warn her to run in the other
direction as quickly as possible, but her heart insists she stay…get closer…and
see if what they feel for each other can change his mind.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Destiny Mine:
Her gaze travelled down his muscular body.
Unlike many of the other doctors who tended to gain a belly as they grew older
and settled into the comforts of married life, Adam Quarshie could overshadow
any man in his late twenties. His stomach had remained flat and his muscles
strained against his yellow button-down shirt when he moved.
She took her time raking her gaze up his
body and to his face. Her gasp of embarrassment stuck in her throat as her eyes
met his.
Why did he have to have such an adorable grin?
God could’ve at least rotted his teeth to save the hearts of women all over
“See something you like, Esi?”
She cleared her throat. “Yes, I do. Your
shoes are nice. Where can I get a pair for my brother?”
He chuckled. “My shoes. Hmm. I got them on
Oxford Street in Osu.”
He moved towards her, and she refused to
step back as he crowded her. He smelled amazing, like he was fresh from a
shower. She struggled not to move closer or inhale deeper.
“Or I could take you.” His voice came out
soft yet had a distinct rumble.
Did the man not know how to be anything but
If she checked her pulse, she knew it would
be way above the normal range. She snorted as she stepped around him and went
to the patient’s bedside. “I’m going home. You did a great job.” She tilted her
head to view the child’s face cradled in the new mother’s arms then smiled at
the newborn’s mother. “You were able to gather the strength to push the baby
out. You are a strong woman, Ama.”
The woman ducked her head. “Thank you.”
Esi turned to Adam, not bothering to hide
her annoyance. “Are there any other patients you want to see?”
“I’ll come back to do ward rounds later.
How about going to Osu?”
“I’d rather…rather….” Fatigue had blocked
her brain. Later on in the day, long after it was too late, she’d think of any
number of things she could have said to put him in his place.
He raised an eyebrow. Their perfect arch
sat over slanted dark brown eyes.
“You’d rather what?”
“Eat a live snail.”
He scrunched his face. “Disgusting. No Osu
for you, then. Next time, I’ll ask to take you somewhere that won’t make you
prefer eating something raw and slimy over hanging out with me.”
“No such place exists, Quarshie.” They
walked, rather, she stalked while he strutted, down the hallway towards the
nurse’s station.
“I’m sure there is somewhere, and one day
I’m going to take you there.”
She didn’t bother to look at him. “In your
He winked. “Always in my dreams.”
Her heart skipped a beat as Sade’s classic
song “Smooth Operator” came to mind. She regarded him through narrowed eyes as
he headed towards the door. His heartbreaking ways didn’t appeal to her at all.
Everyone knew relationships weren’t his thing. She’d never even consider going
out on a date with him. She knew too many casualties of his charm. The type of
guy who would go to all sorts of lengths to get a woman on his radar. Once he
caught and used her, he moved to the next one…or two. After having once dated a
womanizer, she wouldn’t subject herself to that kind of man again.
No way. Not her. Never
Nana Prah is a multi-published author of contemporary,
multicultural romance. Her books are sweet with a touch of spice. When
she’s not writing she’s reading, indulging in chocolate, and enjoying life with
friends and family.